During the hot summer days it can be challenging to keep your look without suffering a heat stroke, lord knows flip-flips are not the answer. But what about ditching those socks?

Going sock-less can help a lot, however, it does not come without its own problems.

Because it is warmer you tend to sweat more and, unlike normal, there won't be any socks to absorb the moisture.

You can either stop your feet from sweating, however as this is a natural process it is not recommended doing so. We can however get rid of some of the consequences of the sweat like the smell, or any blisters you might get.

Choosing The Right Footwear For Going Sock-less

When going sock-less it's always wise to choose the right footwear, espadrilles, classic loafers and boat shoes are great for going sock-less. There more open design and choice of fabric help your feet to get rid of any excess heat thus reducing the amount of sweat that is generated.

Most dress shoes are also an option, however, because these tend not to breath as easily it is crucial to let the shoes rest between usage and thoroughly clean them with a cleaning solution that kills bacteria.

Regardless of which type of shoes you wear sock-less, properly drying them out between wearing is crucial. Normally your socks take care of this by absorbing the sweat.

For more closed of type shoes it is best to help the drying process by using cedar shoe trees to help the first couple days after wearing. Doing so will help your shoes and feet stay nice and fresh.

Cedar Wood Shoe Trees from Van Bommel

Let's have a look at other things that can help you avoid sweaty and smelly feet.

How To Keep Your Feet And Shoes Sweat And Smell Free

Let's have a look at how you can wear shoes without socks and not sweat or stink. First we'll look into some options for preventing you from sweating, however, this is not always a viable or healthy options. Therefor we'll mostly be looking at solutions that reduce the effects of sweat.

Antiperspirant Spray

You might be wondering if you can put deodorant on your feet to stop the sweating. Although for some this might be an option, the antiperspirant qualities of deodorants aren't that great, and although there are more potent remedies out there, your feet sweat because they are overheating. Therefor stopping it might not be the most healthy option.

Foot Powder

A better way of solving the problem is to treat the symptoms, for example by providing absorption for the sweat. This can be achieved by using talc powder on your feet and in your shoes, it absorbs the moisture and ensure your feet stay dry.

Dry feet provide better grip in your shoes it which helps prevent blisters when wearing no socks.


A different option for absorbing the sweat is the usage of leather or fabric insoles. These provide a place for the sweat to go and keep your feet dray.

Be sure to take out the insoles when you're not wearing your shoes, this allows the soles and shoes to dry between use.

No-show Sock

If it's just the look you are going for you might consider a low or "no-show" socks. These socks are invisible from the outside but do provide the benefit of moisture absorption.

Because they are made from a light fabric your feet will still be able to keep cool, while you look cool.

Cedar Shoe Trees

When using closed of shoes it is crucial to make sure your shoes are able to fully dry out between uses. Failing to do so might lead to smelly shoes or eventually mold.

To help your shoes dry out it is best to use cedar tree shoes, these absorb the moisture that is within your shoe.

How Do You Get Foot Odor Out Of Shoes?

You might be wondering why your feet start to smell bad when you're not wearing socks. This is because the skin of your feet is full of bacteria that are feasting on your salty sweat.

Unfortunately they can be quite smelly while doing so, to combat this smell it is essential to keep the amount of sweat and bacteria to a minimum.

After wearing the shoes and/or insoles you will need to clean them and your feet to keep things smelling fresh. The best way to keep your shoes smell free is to get rid of the bacteria by using antibacterial spray or cleaning solution.

Caution: Using this on your feet is not recommended, the bacteria help keep your feet clean and removing them can cause problems down the line.

Is It Normal To Wear Shoes Without Socks?

Whether you choose to wear your shoes without socks because of the way it looks or because of how it feels, doing so is just a choice. If your feet are fine without socks, so should you!

Why Do My Feet Sweat Without Socks On?

When your feet get to warm the start to sweat, when you are wearing socks it tends to be during colder days when your feet are not overheating. However, it is likely that your feet overheat, and thus sweat, all the time when you are wearing socks, because the sweat is absorbed by the socks you just don't tend to notice.