With the hot summer days upon us, you might be considering going sock-less, however you still remember the last time you tried which probably was an utter disaster.

Although some may say: 'One must suffer to be beautiful' or perhaps 'No pain, no gain' however, for wearing shoes without socks this is not necessarily the case. With the right tools and some proper preparation you to can go sock-less blister free!

How To Wear Shoes Without Socks And Not Get Blisters

The biggest problem with going sock-less is that the skin of your feet is used to be protected by your socks all year long. In order to fully prevent any blisters from forming your feet will need to toughen up.

Later on we will look into options to artificially enhance the strength to your skin, but first we'll discuss how you can 'break in your feet'.

Breaking In Your Feet

Making your skin stronger is a slow process similar to going to the gym. Therefor it is best to start working on this long before the summer days are around the corner.

It is best to start slow, an easy way is to wear your shoes sock-less in the morning or evening when you are at home and not walking that much.

After a period of home dwelling you can graduate to going sock-less on a slow day outside. Slowly increasing the intensity every day/week.

Whatever you do don't overdo it, going on a marathon day without socks is a guarantee for blister and can set you back for weeks or even months!

The Right Footwear

A big help for not getting blisters is wearing the right shoes, there is a reason why the Mediterranean coast is littered with people on sandals and espadrilles.

These provide air for your feet to breath while providing a tight fit without socks. Wearing shoes that don't fit correctly without socks is a recipe for disaster.

Especially wearing new shoes without socks can be a huge pain, when breaking in new shoes it is best to start out with wearing socks or using some of the remedies listed below.

No-show Sock

If it's just the look you are going for you might consider a low or "no-show" socks. Because they are so low these socks are invisible outside your shoes while still protecting most of your feet from forming blisters.

Because they are made from a light fabric your feet will still be able to keep cool, while you look cool. However, higher up the heel above the sock your skin won't be protected.

To protect your complete heel you might consider moleskin patches.

Moleskin Patches

Moleskin patches are like preventive bandages that give your skin an extra protective layer. These patches can be placed in the exact places that blister tend to form.

Blister Prevention Spray

Because wearing patches in places that might be visible kind of defeats the purpose there is another solution out there in the form of a spray. These should form a protective layer on top of your skin helping it to be protected from the abrasive surface in your shoes.

Keep The Sweat To A Minimum

Sweaty feet are slippery, the more movement within your shoes the higher the chance you will get blisters. Therefore, keeping the sweat to a minimum is essential, things like talc powder and insoles can be a great help when trying to avoid sweat when wearing no socks.

Is It Ok To Walk On Blisters?

A blister basically a wound, therefor walking on it is not ideal. However, if necessary be sure to keep the blister covered to avoid it from bursting.

Keeping the blister closed will help it heal and also reduces it from hurting when wearing shoes.

Should You Wear Socks If You Have A Blister?

Wearing socks over a blister creates a tighter fit within your shoes, this increases the pressure on the blister, increasing the risk of rupturing.

If you have to wear socks when you have a blister be sure to cover the blister with a patch or some other protective measure.

Do Thick Socks Cause Blisters?

Thicker socks can change the fit of your shoes, wearing cramp or loose fitting shoes increases your risk of forming blisters.

How Long Does It Take For A Blister To Go Away?

A blister can take up to a week to heal, keeping the blister from bursting will enhance the healing speed and will prevent any further complication due to infections.

Is It Normal To Wear Shoes Without Socks?

Whether you choose to wear your shoes without socks because of the way it looks or because of how it feels, doing so is just a choice. If your feet are fine without socks, so should you!